Kim recounting the time that Phil Spector farted in the studio |
That wasn't gonna be the title of this thing even though Mr. Fowley said maybe that's what I oughta call it.
But it is kinda cool and since the guys all dead and gone, why not let him name it? Besides I probably would have come up with something lame and not at all to the heart of the matter.
The title as it stands does seems to capture that Fowley essence so.... there it is.
The story of this piece actually goes back some time and the idea had been put forth that I would try and set up an interview with Fowley. I had sent him an email and he responded the next day asking me all kinds of questions in regards to what I was all about and why I would want to interview him. We corresponded a little back and forth and he consented to do an interview. We had set up a time and we were gonna do it but he never called.
He did send an email though saying that he had been in the studio, and could we move the interview to another night?
Sure, why not.
So we set up another time and when that night came still nothing. No email this time either.
I moved on, working on other things still actually meaning to get back in touch with him and see if we could still get the interview done. I thought that he still might do it because although he may have decided to blow it off my line of thinking was that he wouldn't have even bothered to email me after he missed the first time, but who knows?
So like I said, I had every intention of getting back in touch with Kim Fowley but I never did, and now it's too late. Oh well.
There's a lot of stuff out there and I would suggest you check it out. I mean a lot of stuff. There's no way I'm gonna sit here and make a laundry list of his involvement in the music scene, biz, or whatever. Name a band he was probably involved in some way. He was producer, manager, songwriter, hustler, manager, and all around freak. He was rock n roll. He certainly understood it as well, if not better than anybody out there.
At it's core rock n roll is primal, it's dumb, and it's dangerous, and Kim Fowley celebrated that. You should too. There is an album coming out, I think in march. It's called KIM FOWLEY'S PSYCHEDELIC DOGS- DETROIT INVASION.
So yeah, like the title of this piece says he is Still Kicking Ass.
To wrap this little mess up I'll let it end in Fowley's own words. This is his response to my email, where he consented to do the interview...
Because I am old, crippled, and not apart of the 21st Century, I am computer ignorant.
Hey.. I don't text, haha.. Because I don't have a cell phone.
Hey dude, Kim Fowley doesn't even drive a car or own a house.
But, there must be some reason
you want to interview me, possibly because, I am a walking dead man,
living in the future, without flying cars.. Or geodesic domes. Perhaps
it is, this contridiction, that will make for an interesting article...
What country are you in? The
USA or somewhere over seas..? I was going to go overseas with my now ex
lady companion... But, instead I will move into my new Hollywood show
place in December.
Perhaps, if you are in the
Hollywood area, you could join me and the few friends I have left,
celebrating my special brand of Rock N' Roll Madness!
Tomorrow night would be ideal.. I am cancalling a pod-cast apperance so late afternoon/ early evening will be perfect.
Awaiting your immediate reply.
Kim Fowley
The Duke Of Dreams
N/p: Otis Redding: "These Arms of Mine"
In much the same way that existentialism is the metaphysics of pragmatism (or is it vice versa?), wrestling is the metaphysics of rockandroll. If it isn't, what is? - Richard Meltzer
Grammatically speaking, the first 8 lines of The Star Spangled Banner are two sentences.